Table 2

Drug treatment for study population. Where two or more patients were taking the same medication at different doses, the dose shown is the mean

Number of patientsNitrateβ blockerCalcium antagonistACE inhibitorDiuretic
Monotherapy82 × ISMN 60 mg odMetoprolol 50 mg bid Atenolol 100 mg od Selectol 200 mg od
2 × sotalol 80 mg bid
Diltiazem 90 mg bid
Dual therapy135 × ISMN 60 mg od
1 × nitrate patch 10 mg od
5 × metoprolol 50 mg bid
2 × sotalol 80 mg bid
4 × diltiazem 90 mg bid 1 × nicardipine 20 mg tid2 × lisinopril 15 mg od
2 × enalapril 10 mg od
Captopril 24 mg bid
3 × frusemide/amiloride 40/5 mg od
Triple therapy44 × ISMN 60 mg odMetoprolol 50 mg bid Atenolol 100 mg od3 × diltiazem 90 mg bidCaptopril 25 mg bid Lisinopril 20 mg odFrusemide/amiloride 40/5 mg od
  • ISMN, isosorbide mononitrate; ACE, angiotensin converting enzyme.