Table 2

ECG and electrophysiological indices in 39 patients with myotonic dystrophy

Normal ECG16  (41)
Abnormal ECG23 (59)
 AV block 1°7
 AV block 1° and LAB2
 AV block 1° and RBBB3
 AV block 1° and LBBB4
 AV block 2° (Mobitz 1) and LAB1
AH interval (ms): AH > 125 ms10 (25.6)
RPAVN > 425 ms10 (25.6)
WK point < 140 beats/min7 (18)
HV interval (ms): prolonged HV interval21 (53.8)
  • Values are n (%).

  • AH, atria to His bundle; AV, atrioventricular; HV, His bundle to ventricle; LAB, left anterior block; LBBB, left bundle branch block; RPAVN, refractoriness period of atrioventricular node; RBBB, right bundle branch block; WK point, Wenckebach point.