Table 1

Categorisation of audit types

Audit typeDiseasePatient managementEvidencePower
ACommon disease associated with high  levels of morbidity and mortalityUses high levels of resourcesEvidence exists to define appropriateness  and outcomesVery high
B1Less common diseaseMay or may not use high levels  of resourcesEvidence exists to define appropriateness  and outcomesHigh
B2Less common diseaseMay of may not use high levels  of resourcesEvidence usually observational and limited  to outcomesModerate
CRare diseaseMay or may not use high levels  of resourcesEvidence usually observational and limited  to outcomesPoor and may require   unconventional analysis or continuous assessment
DMay be any frequencyMay or may not use high levels   of resources. Frequently uses new treatment methods.Evidence inadequate to judge   performance. Evidence may be generated as a result of quality assurance process.Data are limited to activity   counting and has no quality assurance power