Table 2

Clinical characteristics of SPECT substudy patients

Time to thrombolysis
< 2 hours (n=316)2–4 hours (n=406)4–6 hours (n=217)> 6 hours (n=160)p Value
Age (years)57 (11)59 (12)59 (12)58 (11)0.036
Male sex84%79%74%75%0.029
 PTCA or CABG 9% 6% 7% 8%0.48
Never smoked28%29%34%35%0.015
Anterior infarct40%41%37%44%0.59
Type of thrombolysis
 t-PA40%29%18%17%< 0.001
 Other 0% 0% 0% 1%
β Blockers before randomisation19%24%22%26%0.32
At presentation:
 Heart rate (beats/min)  73 (17)    78 (16)    77 (16)    81 (21)0.17
 Diastolic BP (mm Hg)  82 (16)    82 (15)    81 (15)    83 (16)0.40
 Systolic BP (mm Hg)  132 (24)   133 (24)   131 (22)   134 (24)0.58
 HR × diastolic BP6047 (2160)  6414 (2001)  6256 (1936)  6843 (2643)0.002
 HR × systolic BP9701 (3478)10 448 (3173)10 196 (3105)10 965 (4060)< 0.001
  • Data are expressed as mean (SD) or as percentage of patients.