Table 3

The effects of BQ-123 on the studied variables in 14 individuals, mean (SEM) age 53 (2) years (nine men, five women)

VariablesBaselineBQ-123p Value
Heart rate (beats/min)All 14 subjects78 (2)78 (2)NS
CAD (n=7)76 (3)76 (4)NS
Normal CA (n=7)79 (3)78 (3)NS
Mean blood pressure (mm Hg)All 14 subjects110 (3)110 (5)NS
CAD (n=7)109 (5)102 (5)NS
Normal CA (n=7)111 (5)118 (8)NS
Proximal artery segment (mm)All 14 subjects2.90 (0.12)3.06 (0.13)0.03
CAD (n=7)2.92 (0.18)3.19 (0.23)0.01
Normal CA (n=7)2.88 (0.18)2.94 (0.14)NS
Distal artery segment (mm)All 14 subjects1.50 (0.08)1.67 (0.07)0.0003
CAD (n=7)1.48 (0.12)1.66 (0.10)0.005
Normal CA (n=7)1.51 (0.09)1.67 (0.10)0.008
PVi (cm)All 14 subjects13.7 (1.0)16.0 (1.3)0.06
CAD (n=7)13.7 (1.3)15.6 (1.4)NS
Normal CA (n=7)13.6 (1.5)16.4 (2.4)NS
CBF (ml/min)All 14 subjects75 (10)92 (10)0.006
CAD (n=7)73 (12)94 (13)0.02
Normal CA (n=7)77 (17)89 (15)NS
CVR (mm Hg/ml/min)All 14 subjects1.99 (0.36)1.44 (0.22)0.02
CAD (n=7)1.84 (0.42)1.20 (0.18)NS
Normal CA (n=7)2.14 (0.62)1.68 (0.41)NS
Plasma big ET-1 (fmol/ml)All 14 studied subjects0.28 (0.03)0.33 (0.04)NS
CAD (n=7)0.28 (0.03)0.28 (0.02)NS
Normal CA (n=7)0.29 (0.05)0.39 (0.08)NS
  • Seven subjects had normal coronary arteries (CA) and seven had coronary artery disease (CAD). Values are given as mean (SEM). For rest of abbreviations see table 2.