Table 3

The variables during the three balloon inflations in the patients in the myocardial ischaemia group

VariableSubgroup (n)1st BI2nd BI3rd BIF valuep Value
Values are mean (SD).
*p<0.05 v first balloon inflation.
†The number of the patients with surface ST elevation was reduced owing to the fact that patients were excluded from the analysis of this variable when no surface ST elevation was present.
BI, balloon inflation; MAP, mean arterial pressure; RPP, rate–pressure product (heart rate × mean blood pressure).
Heart rate (beats/min)Diabetic (18)74 (9)73 (10)72 (8)0.050.9
Non-diabetic (39)72 (10)71 (10)69 (9)
MBP (mm Hg)Diabetic (18)111 (16)107 (16)110 (24)0.450.6
Non-diabetic (39)114 (23)111 (14)109 (15)
RPP (×103)Diabetic (18)8.2 (1.7)7.9 (1.8)8.0 (2.6)0.490.6
Non-diabetic (39)8.3 (2.4)7.9 (1.4)7.6 (1.4)
Intracoronary ST elevation (mV)Diabetic (18)1.03 (0.53)0.79 (0.42)0.59 (0.41)*0.390.7
Non-diabetic (39)1.31 (0.76)1.06 (0.67)*0.93 (0.71)*
Surface ST elevation (mV)†Diabetic (9)0.25 (0.20)0.19 (0.21)0.17 (0.22)0.050.9
Non-diabetic (29)0.19 (0.14)0.13 (0.10)*0.10 (0.12)*