Device complications with addition of defibrillation to cardiac resynchronisation therapy for primary prevention
Sérgio Barra, Rui Providência, Serge Boveda, Rudolf Duehmke, Kumar Narayanan, Anthony W Chow, Olivier Piot, Didier Klug, Pascal Defaye, Daniel Gras, Jean-Claude Deharo, Paul Milliez, Antoine Da Costa, Pierre Mondoly, Jorge Gonzalez-Panizo, Christophe Leclercq, Patrick Heck, Munmohan Virdee, Nicolas Sadoul, Jean-Yves Le Heuzey, Eloi Marijon
Heart Sep 2018, 104 (18) 1529-1535; DOI: 10.1136/heartjnl-2017-312546