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Acquired heart conditions in adults with congenital heart disease: a growing problem
  1. Oktay Tutarel
  1. Correspondence to Dr Oktay Tutarel, Department of Cardiology & Angiology, Hannover Medical School, Carl-Neuberg-Str. 1, Hannover 30625, Germany; otutarel{at}


The number of adults with congenital heart disease is increasing due to the great achievements in the field of paediatric cardiology, congenital heart surgery and intensive care medicine over the last decades. Mortality has shifted away from the infant and childhood period towards adulthood. As congenital heart disease patients get older, a high prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors is encountered similar to the general population. Consequently, the contribution of acquired morbidities, especially acquired heart conditions to patient outcome, is becoming increasingly important. Therefore, to continue the success story of the last decades in the treatment of congenital heart disease and to further improve the outcome of these patients, more attention has to be given to the prevention, detection and adequate therapy of acquired heart conditions. The aim of this review is to give an overview about acquired heart conditions that may be encountered in adults with congenital heart disease.


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