Table of contents
March 2019 - Volume 105 - 6
- Cardiac biomarkers and bone fractures (27 February, 2019)
- New light on exposure to chemicals and cardiovascular diseases (11 December, 2018)
- Broken hearts and bones: new insights or falling for unmeasured confounding? (25 October, 2018)
- Creating order out of chaos: quality of care in heart failure (31 January, 2019)
Cardiac risk factors and prevention
Congenital heart disease
Heart failure and cardiomyopathies
Special populations
Education in Heart
Cardiology in focus
- A career in cardiology: why? (10 November, 2018)
- Hypoplastic left heart syndrome: the importance of phenotypic diagnosis (27 February, 2019)
- Morphogenetic clarity in considerations of hypoplastic left heart syndrome (27 February, 2019)
Image challenge
- Twenty-three year-old with pleuritic chest pain (4 September, 2018)