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- Published on: 8 July 2020
- Published on: 8 July 2020narroe complex ventricular tachycardia should be included in the differential diagnosis
For the sake of completeness, the approach to narrow complex tachycardia(1), and the differential diagnosis of that disorder, should also include the entity of fascicular ventricular tachycardia, in which the duration of the QRS complex does not exceed 120 ms during ventricular tachycardia(VT)(2)(3). There are 3 subtypes, namely, left posterior fascicular VT with right bundle branch(RBBB) morphology and left axis deviation, left anterior fascicular VT with RBBB pattern and right axis deviation, and upper septal fascicular VT with a narrow QRS and normal axis configuration(2).
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Talib et al evaluated 10 patients aged 14-66 with upper septal ventricular tachycardia in whom there was no structural heart disease, and in whom the QRS duration amounted to < 120 ms during VT. In 8 instances VT could be terminated by administration of verapamil. In the other 2 instances no attempt had been made to terminate the episodes of VT with that drug. In the verapamil-responsive subjects, the episodes of VT were characterised by QRS duration amounting to 75 ms, 90 ms(two patients), 93 ms, 96 ms, 105 ms, 115 ms, and 118 ms, respectively. In 4 patients precordial QRS configuration during VT was identical to QRS configuration during sinus rhythm. In the other four, QRS configuration was of the RBBB subtype during VT(3).
Narrow complex VT can also be a manifestation of coronary artery disease, but, in this context, there appears to be no involvement of the His-Purki...Conflict of Interest:
None declared.