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- Published on: 14 September 2020
- Published on: 14 September 2020Great Relief to the Doctors and Patients Alike!
There had been controversies raging whether Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors and Angiotensin Receptor Blocking Agents may be harmful, neutral or protective to the people affected by SARS-CoV-2.
The findings of this study, especially because it encompasses such huge study population will provide great relief from uncertainty and anxiety to the doctor's prescribing these class of medicines to their hypertensive patients and to the people alrady taking these medicines.
Great many sinceremost thanks to the investigators of this study!
-Arvind Joshi;
Founder Convener and President:
Our Own Discussion Group (OODG);
602-C, Megh Apartments;
Ganesh Peth Lane, Dadar West, Mumbai; Maharashtra State,INDIA, PIN 400028;
Consultant Physician at:
Ruchi Clinical Laboratory/Ruchi Diagnostic Center, Sunshine CHS,
Plot 58, Sector 21, Kharghar;
Maharashtra State, INDIA, PIN 410210.Conflict of Interest:
None declared.