Table of contents
October 1973 - Volume 35 - 10
Research Article
- Adams-Stokes syndrome caused by sinoatrial block. (1 October, 1973)
- Exercise electrocardiogram patterns in normal women. (1 October, 1973)
- Diagnosis of aortic stenosis from the carotid pulse and its derivative. (1 October, 1973)
- Diastolic closure rate of normal mitral valve. (1 October, 1973)
- Studies of a model mitral valve with three cusps. (1 October, 1973)
- Iatrogenic brachial artery injuries. (1 October, 1973)
- Subvalvular left ventricular aneurysms. A report of 5 Ugandan cases. (1 October, 1973)
- Late appearance of traumatic ventricular septal defect. (1 October, 1973)