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Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty of one vessel for refractory unstable angina pectoris: efficacy in single and multivessel disease.
  1. B Sharma,
  2. R P Wyeth,
  3. G S Kolath,
  4. H J Gimenez,
  5. J A Franciosa
  1. Cardiovascular Division, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock 72205.


    Forty patients with unstable angina refractory to medical treatment had one vessel percutaneous transluminal angioplasty to the most stenotic lesion in a major coronary artery. The procedure was successful in 35 patients, and the remaining five patients underwent emergency coronary artery bypass graft surgery. The initial success rate (84%) for the 16 patients with single or the 19 patients with multivessel disease (90%) was similar. At early follow up (average nine days) all patients with successful angioplasty remained symptomatically improved; 10 patients (83%) with single and 10 patients (63%) with multivessel disease had negative treadmill stress tests. Five of six cardiac events occurred within the intermediate (average 11 months) follow up period; two patients had recurrent refractory unstable angina, two had angioplasty for progression of disease in a vessel not previously treated by angioplasty, and one had bypass graft surgery. During late (average 26 months) follow up one patient had a non-fatal myocardial infarction while seven patients (58%) with single vessel disease and nine patients (75%) with multivessel disease had negative stress tests; 29 of 40 patients showed long term improvement.

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