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Radiofrequency-assisted "reconstruction" of the right ventricular outflow tract in muscular pulmonary atresia with ventricular septal defect.
  1. G Hausdorf,
  2. I Schulze-Neick,
  3. P E Lange
  1. Deutsches Herzzentrum Berlin, Abteilung Angeborene Herzfehler, Germany.


    A case of pulmonary atresia with ventricular septal defect is reported in which a communication was established between the right ventricle and the hypoplastic pulmonary artery by intervention, despite muscular atresia of the right ventricular outflow tract. The atresia was perforated with a special designed radiofrequency catheter (Osypka). After the creation of a canal within the muscular atresia, balloon dilatation (diameters 2, 3.5, and 7.2 mm) was performed. Arterial oxygen saturation increased from 64% to 78%. Lateral deviation of the radiofrequency catheter resulting in a lateral perforation of the atretic muscular infundibulum was well tolerated without later sequelae. Early restenosis within two weeks necessitated the implantation of a stent within the "recanalised" atresia resulting in an increased anterograde flow to the pulmonary artery. This case shows that "recanalisation" of muscular atresia of the pulmonary artery by radiofrequency is a promising technique. Additionally, stent implantation into the infundibulum to prevent restenosis is a first step to interventional right ventricular outflow tract reconstruction.

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