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Effect of standing on ventricular parasystole: shortening of the parasystolic cycle length.
  1. S. Kinoshita,
  2. T. Mitsuoka
  1. Health Administration Centre, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan.


    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect of standing on the parasystolic cycle length in cases of "true" ventricular parasystole. METHODS: Parasystolic cycle length and sinus cycle length were measured during lying and standing in eight men with true ventricular parasystole. These cycle lengths were also measured after exercise in the lying position. RESULTS: In all cases, parasystolic cycle length and sinus cycle length both shortened on standing, by a mean of 6.4% and 17.8%, respectively, compared to lying. In all cases, the rate of shortening of the parasystolic cycle length was less than that of the sinus cycle length. Parasystolic cycle length was prolonged after exercise, in contrast to a shortening of the sinus cycle length. CONCLUSIONS: Influences on the parasystolic cycle length are not always in the same direction as on the sinus cycle length. This suggests that the effect of autonomic changes on parasystolic rhythm is not always parallel to that on sinus rhythm.

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