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Simultaneous delivery of two patent arterial duct coils via one venous sheath.
  1. D. De Wolf (daniel.dewolf{at},
  2. H. Verhaaren,
  3. D. Matthys
  1. Department of Paediatric Cardiology, Children's Hospital UZ Gent, Belgium.


    A female child, 10 months of age, weighing 7.2 kg, was catheterised for closure of a patent arterial duct. Aortography was performed in the lateral projection and the minimum diameter of the arterial duct was assessed by comparing it to the size of the catheter. The duct size was estimated between 3 and 3.5 mm at the narrowest point, therefore, it was decided to deliver two 5 mm patent arterial duct coils to avoid placement of an 8 mm coil in this small child. Similar operations were subsequently performed in two further children. Simultaneous delivery of two coils via a single long venous sheath is easy, fast, and safe. This simple and inexpensive procedure can reduce irradiation and anaesthesia time.

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