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An unusual intracardiac shunt secondary to penetrating cardiac trauma
  1. W J C Hobbs,
  2. B Clarke,
  3. N J Odom
  1. Manchester Heart Centre, Royal Infirmary, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9WL, UK
  1. Dr Clarke.

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A 22 year old man was admitted to the accident and emergency department having sustained a 5 × 3 cm knife wound to the right anterior chest wall in the fourth intercostal space. He was haemodynamically stable on admission but dyspnoeic at rest. Pulse was 110 beats/min and blood pressure 106/60 mm Hg. The only abnormality on examination was dullness to percussion on the right chest wall; heart sounds were normal. A plain chest x ray confirmed a right haemothorax. Three litres of blood were drained using an intercostal drain. A median sternotomy was performed; the right internal thoracic artery, which had been transected, was ligated. A small laceration in …

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