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Disparity between studies of the stability of BNP in blood: comparison of endogenous and exogenous peptide
  1. D R Murdocha,
  2. J Byrneb,
  3. R Farmera,
  4. J J Mortona
  1. aClinical Research Initiative in Heart Failure (Supported by The Medical Research Council), West Medical Building, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK, bDepartment of Cardiology, Western Infirmary, Dumbarton Road, Glasgow G11 6NT, UK
  1. Dr Murdoch. email: drm2x{at}

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Measurement of plasma concentrations of the natriuretic peptides has recently been recognised as a potentially useful means of identifying patients with left ventricular systolic dysfunction (LVSD). Most studies, including our own,1 suggest that brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) may be superior to N-terminal atrial natriuretic peptide for diagnostic purposes. The widespread applicability of BNP would, nevertheless, be greatly diminished if the blood sample required special storage or handling. We have previously shown in a mixed population—including patients with LVSD and healthy volunteers—that endogenous BNP is stable in whole blood at room temperature for three days.2However, other groups have published conflicting results, which at first sight cast doubt on our data3; therefore, our results have not gained universal acceptance.4-6 We, therefore, repeated our study and confirmed our original findings. Interestingly, our study is …

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