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Congenital pericardial defect presenting as chest pain
  1. R A Rusk,
  2. A Kenny
  1. Department of Cardiology, Freeman Hospital, Freeman Road, Newcastle upon Tyne NE7 7DN, UK
  1. Dr Rusk.

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Congenital pericardial defects are rare, occurring in approximately 1 in 14 000 necropsies. They are usually undetected during life and fewer than 200 cases are reported in world literature.1 Modes of presentation include chest pain, syncope, embolisation from mural thrombus, pericarditis or sudden death. We report a 34 year old woman with chest pain in whom the diagnosis was suggested by chest radiography and confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging. Management was by video assisted thoracoscopic partial pericardiectomy.

Case report

A 34 year old female cattle dealer developed central, non-pleuritic chest tightness radiating through to her back while standing. The pain eased spontaneously after 10 minutes but recurred overnight, waking her and easing only when she turned on to her right side. She had previously been healthy, …

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