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Submitral pseudoaneurysm in purulent pericarditis
  1. R JUNEJA*,
  2. R SHARMA,
  1. Department of *Cardiology & †Cardiothoracic Surgery
  2. All India Institute of Medical Sciences
  3. New Delhi, India 110029

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Editor,—We read with interest the report by Moraeset al of a left ventricular pseudoaneurysm complicating infective pericarditis.1 We have encountered a similar complication while using streptokinase as an adjunct in the management of purulent pericarditis.2 In the absence of any previous report of this unusual complication, we had linked its occurrence to intrapericardial streptokinase.2

Our patient was an 8 year old boy who presented to us with a 20 day history of high grade fever, septic arthritis of the left knee, multiple parietal abscesses, and left sided pleuritic chest pain. Echocardiography revealed a dense pericardial exudate, and blood culture grew methicillin sensitive Staphylococcus aureus. From the fourth day …

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