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Cardiac rupture caused by Staphylococcus aureus septicaemia and pericarditis: an incidental finding
  1. S Osula,
  2. R Lowe,
  3. R A Perry
  1. The Cardiothoracic Centre Liverpool, Thomas Drive, Liverpool L14 3PE, UK
  1. Dr Osulaserge.osula{at}


A 35 year old woman with a long history of intravenous drug abuse presented to a local hospital with severe anaemia, fever, raised markers of inflammation, and positive blood cultures forStaphylococcus aureus. She responded to treatment with antibiotics with improvement in her symptoms and markers of inflammation. Four weeks later a “routine” echocardiogram showed a rupture of her left ventricular apex and a large pseudoaneurysm. There had been no deterioration in her symptoms or haemodynamic status to herald this new development. It was successfully repaired surgically and the patient made a good recovery.

  • ventricular rupture
  • pseudoaneurysm
  • staphylococcal septicaemia

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