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Severe tricuspid regurgitation 14 years after diagnosis of “transient neonatal tricuspid regurgitation”
  1. D Boshoff,
  2. L Mertens,
  3. M Gewillig
  1. Pediatric Cardiology, University Hospitals Leuven, Herestraat 49, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium
  1. Professor Dr Gewilligmarc.gewillig{at}


A 14 year old girl presented with severe tricuspid regurgitation after she was diagnosed with “transient tricuspid regurgitation of the newborn”. In the neonatal period she had presented with severe tricuspid regurgitation without an obvious underlying anatomical cause. This spontaneously regressed during the first months of life. She was dismissed from follow up at the age of 5 years after complete normalisation of the clinical and echocardiographic examination. The subsequent evolution and management of the patient, as well as the possible pathogenesis responsible for the unusual clinical course, is discussed. This case stresses the importance of long term follow up of patients with transient tricuspid regurgitation.

  • neonatal cardiomyopathy
  • regurgitation
  • tricuspid valve

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