Table of contents
November 2001 - Volume 86 - 5
Electronic pages
Electronic pages: case report
- Infected cardiac hydatid cyst (1 November, 2001)
- Long term follow up of long QT syndrome treated by overdrive pacing (1 November, 2001)
- Coronary stent deployment in situs inversus (1 November, 2001)
- Fulminant thrombosis of mechanical mitral valve prosthesis (1 November, 2001)
- Can cardiomyocytes divide? (1 November, 2001)
Journal scan
- Journal scan (1 November, 2001)
Stamps in cardiology
- Ambulances (1 November, 2001)
Featured clinical case
- Gene therapy for coronary restenosis: is the enthusiasm justified? (1 November, 2001)
Web top 10
- Web top 10 (1 November, 2001)
Cardiovascular medicine
- Is the prevalence of coronary heart disease falling in British men? (1 November, 2001)
Images in cardiology
- Aortico-atrial fistula secondary to bacterial endocarditis (1 November, 2001)
- Coronary sinus diverticulum containing posteroseptal accessory pathway (1 November, 2001)
- Acute type A aortic dissection in an adult patient with Turner's syndrome (1 November, 2001)
- Unusual multiple spasm during coronary angioplasty (1 November, 2001)
Interventional cardiology surgery
Congenital heart disease
Basic research
- Molecular enhancement of porcine cardiac chronotropy (1 November, 2001)
Scientific letters
- Heart transplantation in children with mitochondrial cardiomyopathy (1 November, 2001)
- Effect of circadian rhythm on response to carotid sinus massage (1 November, 2001)
- Role of conscious sedation for external cardioversion (1 November, 2001)
Education in Heart
- HEART FAILURE: What causes the symptoms of heart failure? (1 November, 2001)
- IMAGING TECHNIQUES: Transoesophageal Echo-Doppler in cardiology (1 November, 2001)