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Delayed post-traumatic tamponade together with rupture of the tricuspid valve in a 15 year old boy
  1. T Herbots,
  2. P Vermeersch,
  3. M Vaerenberg
  1. Department of Cardiology, AZ Middelheim, Lindendreef 1, 2020 Antwerp, Belgium
  1. Dr VermeerschPvermeersch{at}


With the increase in the number of high speed motor vehicle accidents, blunt, non-penetrating trauma to the heart has become an important health problem. An unusual case is reported of a 15 year old boy urgently referred with cardiac tamponade and a new systolic murmur four months after a car accident. The problems of the diagnosis and possible causes of late cardiac tamponade and tricuspid regurgitation following this type of accident are discussed.

  • blunt cardiac trauma
  • delayed cardiac tamponade
  • traumatic tricuspid regurgitation

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