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Long QT syndrome and life threatening arrhythmia in a newborn: molecular diagnosis and treatment response
  1. E Schulze-Bahr1,*,
  2. H Fenge3,
  3. D Etzrodt2,
  4. W Haverkamp1,*,
  5. G Mönnig1,*,
  6. H Wedekind1,*,
  7. G Breithardt1,*,
  8. H-G Kehl3
  1. 1Department of Cardiology and Angiology, Hospital of the University of Münster, D-48129 Münster, Germany
  2. 2Molecular Cardiology, Institute for Arteriosclerosis Research at the University of Münster, Domagkstrasse 3, D-48149 Münster, Germany
  3. 3Department of Paediatric Cardiology, University Children’s Hospital Münster, D-48129 Münster, Germany
  1. Correspondence to:
    Dr E Schulze-Bahr
    AG Genetics of Arrhythmias, Molekular-Kardiologie, Institut für Arterioskleroseforschung an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Domagkstrasse 3, D-48149 Münster, Germany;


Intrauterine and neonatal manifestations of congenital long QT syndrome are associated with a high cardiac risk, particularly when atrioventricular block and excessive QT prolongation (> 600 ms1/2) are present. In a female newborn with these features, treatment with propranolol and mexiletine led to complete reduction of arrhythmia that was maintained 1.5 years later. High throughput genetic analysis found a sodium channel gene (LQT3) mutation. Disappearance of the 2:1 atrioventricular block and QTc shortening (from 740 ms1/2 to 480 ms1/2), however, was achieved when mexiletine was added to propranolol. This effect was considered to be possibly genotype related. Early onset forms of long QT syndrome may benefit from advanced genotyping.

  • long QT syndrome
  • newborn
  • propranolol
  • mexiletine
  • genotyping
  • AV, atrioventricular
  • LQT3, sodium channel gene
  • LQTS, long QT syndrome
  • SIDS, sudden infant death syndrome

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  • * Also Molecular Cardiology, Institute for Arteriosclerosis Research at the University of Münster