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Late incomplete lesion coverage following Cypher stent deployment for diffuse right coronary artery stenosis
  1. A Halkin,
  2. S Carlier,
  3. M B Leon
  1. Cardiovascular Research Foundation and Lenox Hill Heart and Vascular Institute, New York, New York, USA
  1. Correspondence to:
    Dr A Halkin
    Cardiovascular Research Foundation, 55 East 59th Street, 6th Floor, New York, New York 10022, USA;


The availability of the only drug eluting stent currently approved in the USA has been limited, so that operators often resort to the deployment of multiple undersized stents and post-stenting high pressure inflations with larger balloons to achieve optimal lesion coverage and stent expansion. A case of stent fracture following percutaneous coronary intervention in which this strategy was used is reported.

  • drug eluting stent
  • stent fracture
  • sirolimus
  • stent

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