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Managing the cost of cardiovascular prevention in primary care
  1. N Evans
  1. Correspondence to:
    Mr Norman Evans
    Wandsworth Primary Care Trust Headquarters, 2nd Floor, Teak Tower, Main Building, Springfield University Hospital, 61 Glenburnie Road, London SW17 7DJ, UK;


Prescribing costs for the prevention of cardiovascular disease are rising nationally, particularly in relation to implementation of the National Service Framework for coronary heart disease. Prescribing effective treatment that is going to benefit the patient’s overall management—evidence based medicine—is the key to funding drugs for cardiovascular prevention. It is clear that there is a lot of waste within the system. If the current waste in prescribing can be reduced, it should be possible to fund new developments, not only in cardiovascular disease but also in other therapeutic areas.

  • primary care
  • National Service Framework
  • coronary heart disease
  • costs
  • ACE, angiotensin converting enzyme
  • ALLHAT, antihypertensive and lipid lowering treatment to prevent heart attack trial
  • CHD, coronary heart disease
  • GMS, General Medical Service
  • NSF, National Service Framework
  • PCT, primary care trust

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