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Helping patients to improve self management of diabetes
  1. S Cradock
  1. Correspondence to:
    S Cradock
    Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust and Portsmouth City Primary Care Trust, Portsmouth, UK;


Research suggests that people with diabetes are poorly compliant with dietary and exercise recommendations, and that primary non-compliance with medication is common. Local research has shown that patients’ beliefs about diabetes suggest little understanding of the seriousness of the disease in terms of increased mortality. Portsmouth Primary Care Trust, in collaboration with Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust, is developing a range of structured self management programmes to assist in helping people be clearer about how they can make changes that will reduce their risk of diabetes complications and cardiovascular disease. These programmes are delivered to groups of patients, rather than on a single patient basis.

  • diabetes
  • DARTS-MEMO, Diabetes Audit and Research in Tayside Scotland/Medicines Monitoring Unit
  • ICCC, innovative care for chronic conditions
  • JIGSAW, juggling insulin goals for success and well-being
  • NICE, National Institute for Clinical Excellence
  • NSF, National Service Framework
  • UKPDS, UK prospective diabetes study

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