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Bilateral thoracoscopic cervical sympathectomy for the treatment of recurrent polymorphic ventricular tachycardia
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- Bilateral thoracoscopic cervical sympathectomy for the treatment of recurrent polymorphic ventriculaPublished on: 23 November 2015
- Published on: 23 November 2015Bilateral thoracoscopic cervical sympathectomy for the treatment of recurrent polymorphic ventriculaShow More
Dear Editor
In January’s edition of Heart we presented the fascinating case of a patient with long QT syndrome who was refractory to conventional pharmacological and pacing techniques.[1] Despite potassium and magnesium supplements, beta-blockade, implantation of a single, then dual chamber implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD), amiodarone, nicorandil and mexiletine; the patient continued to experience life-...
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