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Multidetector CT coronary angiography: have we found the holy grail of non-invasive coronary imaging?
  1. P M Donnelly1,
  2. J D S Higginson1,
  3. P D Hanley2
  1. 1Cardiology Department, Ulster Hospital, Belfast, UK
  2. 2Radiology Department, Ulster Hospital
  1. Correspondence to:
    Dr J David S Higginson
    Cardiology Department, Ulster Hospital, Belfast BT16 1RH, UK;


Is technology about to deliver on the long awaited goal of effective non-invasive methods for visualising and assessing coronary arteries?

  • CT, computed tomography
  • EBCT, electron beam computed tomography
  • MDCT, multidetector computed tomography
  • PET, positron emission tomography
  • SPECT, single photon emission computed tomography
  • computed tomography
  • coronary angiography
  • non-invasive

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