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Prediction of response and prognosis after cardiac resynchronisation therapy
  1. G Valle1,
  2. M Stanislao1,
  3. A Gimelli2,
  4. C Vigna1,
  5. A Facciorusso1,
  6. M Fanelli3,
  7. P Marzullo2
  1. 1
    Nuclear Medicine and Cardiology, IRCCS “Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza”, San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy
  2. 2
    Institute of Clinical Physiology, CNR, Pisa, Italy
  3. 3
    Università Cattolica del Sacró Cuore, Roma, Italy
  1. Dr Professor G Valle, Nuclear Medicine Department, Research Institute “Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza”, Viale Cappuccini, 71013 San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy; dott.guidovalle{at}

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To the editor: An accurate selection and optimal timing in instituting cardiac resynchronisation therapy (CRT) for patients are important in order to optimise the treatment. Consequently, the identification of outcome predictors is critical.

For these reasons we greatly appreciated the paper by Gradaus et al entitled “Diastolic filling pattern …

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  • Competing interests: None.

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