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Erectile dysfunction in congenital heart disease
  1. Graham Jackson
  1. Dr G Jackson, Suite 301 Emblem House, London Bridge Hospital, 27 Tooley Street, London SE1 2PR, UK; gjcardiol{at}

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Sexuality is one of the most important functions of the human body, receiving a significant amount of public attention, but in the cardiological arena it remains, with a few notable exceptions, one of the areas most infrequently evaluated. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is common, affecting at least 150 million men world wide and as it increases in incidence with age (men over 70 years have three times the incidence compared with men in their 40s) and we are an ageing population, the challenge of evaluating and treating men with ED can only increase.1 A lot of attention has been focused on the link between ED and coronary artery disease (CAD) with endothelial dysfunction being the common denominator, and it is now widely recognised that ED can be a marker and possibly independent risk factor for asymptomatic CAD.2 …

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