Table of contents
April 2009 - Volume 95 - 8
- Carotid ultrasound in children: a window to arterial ageing (26 August, 2008)
- Use of simulators in vascular training (27 March, 2009)
- The expert witness: introduction (27 March, 2009)
- Aortic valve calcification: basic science to clinical practice (16 July, 2008)
Original articles
Images in cardiology
- Giant coronary artery aneurysm in Kawasaki disease (27 March, 2009)
Technology and guidelines
- Trans-catheter aortic valve implantation in the United Kingdom: NICE guidance (18 September, 2008)
Featured correspondence
- Scottish linked hospital and mortality data (27 March, 2009)
- The authors' reply (27 March, 2009)
- The expert witness: the lawyer’s perspective (27 March, 2009)
Education in Heart
- JournalScan (27 March, 2009)