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Rehabilitation After Myocardial Infarction Trial (RAMIT)
  1. Robert R West1,
  2. Dee A Jones2,
  3. Andrew H Henderson3
  1. 1Wales Heart Research Institute, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK
  2. 2Research Team for Care of Elderly People, University of Wales College of Medicine, Llandough Hospital, Cardiff, UK
  3. 3Department of Cardiology, University of Wales College of Medicine, Heath Park, Cardiff
  1. Correspondence to Professor Robert R West, Wales Heart Research Institute, Cardiff University, Heath Park, Cardiff CF144XN, UK; WestRR{at}

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The Authors' reply The editorials on the multicentre trial of rehabilitation following acute myocardial infarction1 call for comment.

The money did not run out, as Wood2 asserts. The major portion of the grant was returned to NHS R&D. Early closure was requested primarily because of the emerging ‘national service framework’ (NSF, a ‘guidance note’)3 (Department of Health, personal communication). The ‘emerging NSF’ could have led to reducing the patient recruitment …

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