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A patient in whom self-terminating ventricular fibrillation was a manifestation of myocardial reperfusion.
  1. N M van Hemel,
  2. J H Kingma
  1. Department of Cardiology, St Antonius Hospital, Nieuwegein, The Netherlands.


    Self-terminating ventricular fibrillation was recorded in a 47 year old woman without coronary artery or other structural heart disease. Reperfusion was thought to be responsible for the ventricular fibrillation because the arrhythmia started while the ST segment was returning to the baseline during an episode of silent ischaemia that was probably caused by coronary spasm. This case shows that potentially lethal arrhythmias can arise during reperfusion and that ventricular fibrillation during reperfusion may be self-terminating.

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