I read with interest Kübler’s review[1] and Willenheimer and colleagues’ viewpoint[2] on a similar theme about the application of drug trial results in
clinical practice, an area that remains controversial.
Florey’s penicillin trial in the 1940s only involved 8 mice. The mice were
inoculated with streptococci and only the four that were treated survived.
Such simplistic demonstration of a positive...
I read with interest Kübler’s review[1] and Willenheimer and colleagues’ viewpoint[2] on a similar theme about the application of drug trial results in
clinical practice, an area that remains controversial.
Florey’s penicillin trial in the 1940s only involved 8 mice. The mice were
inoculated with streptococci and only the four that were treated survived.
Such simplistic demonstration of a positive drug effect is unfortunately
not possible in preventative cardiovascular medicine where multiple
factors are at work. The advent of modern drug trials however has allowed
the efficacy of many cardiac drugs to be proved, but only with an
assumption of homogeneity in large numbers of study patients. The call for
more “overly” inclusive trials by Willenheimer and colleagues such as the
HOPE study could potentially be problematic. This empirical approach
“treats the many to benefit the few”. This invariably removes the need for
any understanding of the individual pathophysiologic process resulting in
unnecessary multiple drug therapy in many patients. Also, this encourages
an unhealthy “pill-pushing” culture and not enough on the need for
lifestyle modification. For example, the benefit of cholesterol lowering
with a statin is completely negated by smoking.[3]
For a given drug trial, theoretically there will be 4 outcome groups:
(a) those who survive because of a positive drug effect
(b) the vast
majority whose survivals are not dependent on treatment
(c) those whose
deaths are contributed by adverse drug reactions
(d) those whose
deaths are inevitable; either due to inadequate drug effect or alternate
If (a) > (c) then (a) divided by (a) + (c) + (d) gives
the relative risk reduction, in many positive cardiovascular trials, this
being greater than 25%. The problem is, it is necessary to treat a large
number of patients to uncover a drug effect.
As pointed out by
Willenheimer and colleagues, the survival of “32” out of 696 heart failure
patients treated in the US carvedilol trial established the statistical
efficacy of the drug. In other words, 19 out of every 20 patients treated
did not benefit from the drug as a whole (the inverse of number needed to
treat). Unfortunately, it is not possible to distinguish (a) from
(b) patients. There is therefore room to find reliable markers of drug
efficacy (or the lack of) to monitor the progress of drug treatment. The
lack of drug efficacy in (c) and (d) patients should perhaps be more
carefully explored clinically, and post-mortems should be carried out if
feasible. Some would argue that the (b) patient population would also
benefit from drug-induced alteration of the disease process. This however
has not yet been borne out in population mortality curves which appear to
have flattened out.[4]
Pitt O Lim
Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Ninewells Hospital
Dundee, DD1 9SY UK
(1) Kubler W. Treatment of cardiac diseases: evidence based or
experience based medicine? Heart 2000;84:134-6.
(2) Willenheimer R, Dahlof B, Gordon A. Clinical trials in cardiovascular
medicine: are we looking for statistical significance or clinical
relevance? Heart 2000;84:129-33.
(3) Isles CG, Norrie J. Lipid lowering drugs for patients who continue to
smoke? Heart 2000;83:619-20.
(4) Fuster V. Epidemic of cardiovascular disease and stroke: the three main
challenges: presented at the 71st scientific sessions of the American
Heart Association - Dallas, Texas. Circulation 1999;99:1132-7.
The article by Viskin et al[1] adds some confusion to the definition of "the typical" electrocardiographic pattern associated with the syndrome of sudden death and right bundle branch delay described by Nava and Martini in 1988-1989,[2, 3] by Aihara in 1990, and by Brugada in 1992. As clearly documented,[3] three (and not one as discussed by Viskin et al) of six patients with aborted sudden death showed differe...
The article by Viskin et al[1] adds some confusion to the definition of "the typical" electrocardiographic pattern associated with the syndrome of sudden death and right bundle branch delay described by Nava and Martini in 1988-1989,[2, 3] by Aihara in 1990, and by Brugada in 1992. As clearly documented,[3] three (and not one as discussed by Viskin et al) of six patients with aborted sudden death showed different degrees of right bundle branch block, left axis deviation, prolonged PR interval and ST segment elevation. Two more patients had mild isolated ST elevation with T inversion. The same polymorphic patterns were lately documented either with standard electrocardiography or after class 1C drugs (in subjects with normal ECG or minor ST-T abnormalities), either in Brugada's or other series.[4] Thus a typical sign of the syndrome is a fascinating but not confirmed statement.
Viskin probably wants to emphasise the first and the most popular electrocardiogram of the syndrome, which is the one published in 1988[1] and 1989 (patient 3 of figure 1 in reference 2), and reprocessed by Brugada on his web site.
This electrocardiogram shows an R' wave in V1 (incorrectly called J wave), very similar to an incomplete right bundle branch block, followed by a coved ST elevation.
It must be remembered that the typical J wave is those recorded in leads II, III, aVF, V5-V6 in vagotonia, and other pathological conditions.[5] Thus R' in V1 is an atypical J wave, or something else.
Different from a right bundle branch delay, the atypical J wave seen in V1 shows neither a late and slurred S wave in V6, or the typical vectorcardiographic terminal loop.[1] Late potentials often characterise this pattern, but are absent in pure incomplete right bundle branch block. Thus the trace proposed by Viskin et al in figure 2 as the typical sign of the syndrome is, in reality, a typical incomplete right bundle branch block, while the trace presented in figure 3A closely resembles a true atypical J wave with coved ST elevation, and not a questionable sign.
This does not means that Viskin et al's patients do not have the syndrome, because this is not characterised by a single electrocardiographic pattern, but by polymorphic right bundle branch delays with ST elevation.[2] The latter can be the only basal abnormality, with the atypical J wave appearing spontaneously, or being induced after class 1C drugs.
The significance of all the electrocardiographic patterns of the syndrome, particularly of the atypical J wave and coved ST elevation, is strongly debated. Brugada favours a functional repolarisation abnormality, while we think, according to electrical and anatomic demonstration, that it represents an organic depolarisation abnormality.[4]
This can be easily demonstrated by recording late potentials. As mentioned before, in patients with the discussed "typical" electrocardiogram late potentials are almost always present, clearly demonstrating that the atypical J wave and coved ST elevation is due to a delayed QRS activity, probably of the outflow tract of the right ventricle.[4]
Please contact Dr Martini for a copy of the figure described below (unfortunately we cannot support illustrations in Rapid Responses)
The atypical J wave with coved ST elevation in V1, is identical in these two subjects with the syndrome. The trace on the left is the patient of Brugada described in Heart[6] after ajmaline; this pattern was ascribed to a functional repolarisation abnormality. The trace on the right is that of an apparently normal patient, belonging to a family affected by a minor form of right ventricular cardiomyopathy. This patient has a very positive late potentials study, indicating that the atypical J wave and ST elevation, both spontaneous and drug inducible, represents a late depolarisation abnormality of the cardiac activity, probably at the right ventricular outflow tract level. A repolarisation abnormality can never induce late potentials.
Bortolo Martini MD* Andrea Nava MD+ Sergio Cannas MD*
*Department of Cardiology, Ospedale Civile di Thiene
+Department of Cardiology, University of Padua
Correspondence to:
Bortolo Martini MD
Via Gioberti 9
36016 Thiene (VI), Italy
Fax +39 445 368537
(1) Viskin S, Fish R, Eldar M, et al. Prevalence of the Brugada sign in idiopathic ventricular fibrillation and healthy controls. Heart 2000;84:31-6.
(2) Nava A, Canciani B, Schiavinato ML, Martini B, Buja GF, La repolarisation precoce dans le precordiales droites: trouble de la conduction intraventriculaire droite? Correlations de l'electrocardiographie- vectorcardiographie avec l'electro- physiologie. Mises a Jour Cardiologiques 1988;17:157-9.
(3) Martini B, Nava A, Thiene G, et al. Ventricular fibrillation without apparent heart disease: description of six cases. Am Heart J 1989;11:1203-9.
(4) Martini B, Corrado D, Nava A, Thiene G. Syndrome of right bundle branch block, ST segment elevation and sudden death: evidence of an organic substrate. In: Nava A, Thiene G, eds. Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy. Elsevier 1997:438-53.
(5) Yan GX, Antzelevitch C. Cellular basis for the electrocardiographic J wave. Circulation 1996;93:372-9.
(6) Brugada P. Brugada syndrome: an electrocardiographic
diagnosis not to be missed. Heart 2000;84:1-3.
Nava and coworkers[1] and Martini and coworkers[2] described a
single patient with the diagnois of right ventricular dysplasia who,
retrospectively analyzed by the same authors, may have suffered from the
syndrome of right bundle branch block, ST segment elevation and sudden
death, now known as Brugada disease.
As they have no genetic analysis
on that patient (to exclude among others Naxos syndrome) t...
Nava and coworkers[1] and Martini and coworkers[2] described a
single patient with the diagnois of right ventricular dysplasia who,
retrospectively analyzed by the same authors, may have suffered from the
syndrome of right bundle branch block, ST segment elevation and sudden
death, now known as Brugada disease.
As they have no genetic analysis
on that patient (to exclude among others Naxos syndrome) their recent
letter to Heart[3] ads only confusion to an excellent study by Viskin and
coworkers.[4] Their speculations on the mechanisms of right ventricular
dysplasia and Brugada disease are no more than speculations and devoid of
any scientific basis.
Prof Dr Pedro Brugada
Cardiovascular Research and Teaching Institute Aalst Belgium
(1) Nava A, Canciani B, Schiavinato ML, Martini B, Buja GF, La repolarisation precoce
dans le precordiales droites: trouble de la conduction intraventriculaire droite? Correlations
de l'electrocardiographie- vectorcardiographie avec l'electro- physiologie. Mises a Jour
Cardiologiques 1988;17:157-9.
(2) Martini B, Nava A, Thiene G, et al. Ventricular fibrillation without apparent heart
disease: description of six cases. Am Heart J 1989;11:1203-9.
(3)Martini B, Nava A, Cannas S. There is not a single typical ECG pattern for the syndrome of sudden
death, RBBB, and ST elevation [Rapid response]. Heart 15 August 2000.
(4) Viskin S, Fish R, Eldar M, et al. Prevalence of the Brugada sign in idiopathic ventricular
fibrillation and healthy controls. Heart 2000;84:31-6.
We thank Lawrance et al for their letter that raises several
important points about the implementation of the national audit of
myocardial infarction.[1] Until the numerator and denominator can be
confidently stated there is little point in producing case fatality data
either nationally or locally. The data that they quote in their letter
strongly support this view. There is an urgent need to address thi...
We thank Lawrance et al for their letter that raises several
important points about the implementation of the national audit of
myocardial infarction.[1] Until the numerator and denominator can be
confidently stated there is little point in producing case fatality data
either nationally or locally. The data that they quote in their letter
strongly support this view. There is an urgent need to address this
The definition of myocardial infarction which can be used in
hospital, and which we propose to use for the national audit relies
primarily on the demonstration of an elevation of a cardiac specific
enzyme such as creatine kinase to a level greater than twice the upper
limit of normal for the local laboratory, or the elevation of serial non-specific enzymes to a level greater than twice the upper limit of normal
with an appropriate pattern of release in relation to the relevant
symptoms. This elevation must be accompanied by a history of symptoms
consistent with a myocardial infarction and/or cardiographic changes
consistent with infarction. Rarely it is necessary for a clinician to
need to make a judgment about a patient dying in hospital before
significant enzyme release has occurred.
As we point out in the Acute Myocardial Infarction - A Core data
Set,[2] the recognition of all patients admitted with myocardial
infarction may be difficult for some hospitals. Norris, in an unpublished
study from four South Coast Hospitals demonstrated that between 68% and
98% of patients admitted with myocardial infarction to those hospitals
were admitted to the Cardiac Care Unit (CCU). How patients having
infarction not going to CCU should be identified is a problem which
requires a local solution. However this is achieved, accurate coding
remains of paramount importance.
Adjustment for case mix in myocardial infarction is a unresolved
problem. The work outlined by Lawrance and his colleagues may be a
solution. We did not include clinical variables in the initial data set
because there were no compelling data to show they would add to the
analysis. However, the dataset is not static, and the addition of
further fields was always anticipated. It may be that the simple and
objective measures proposed by the EMMACE study group will be the first to
be added. We will be shortly start collecting data on large numbers of
patients with myocardial infarction in the National Audit, together with
planned mortality flagging. The introduction of a robust case mix model
will be potentially of great value to the National Audit.
J S Birkhead
Clinical Lead National Audit of Myocardial Infarction
Clinical Effectiveness and Evaluation Unit
Royal College of Physicians
London NW1 4LE, UK
(1) Lawrance RA. National Service Framework – core data set [Rapid response] Heart 18 August 2000.
(2) Birkhead JS, Norris RM, Quinn T, Pearson M, on behalf of the
Coronary Heart Disease National Service Framework for coronary disease:
Acute Myocardial Infarction - a core data set for monitoring standards of
care. Royal College of Physicians, London. December 1999.
We read with interest the editorial by Birkhead,[1]
concerning the implementation of the National Service Framework core data
set for myocardial infarction, and would like to comment on several of the
points raised.
Birkhead emphasises a need for confidence in data collection and its
subsequent analysis. The EMMACE study identified 2153 consecutive cases
of AMI admitted to 20 adjacent hospita...
We read with interest the editorial by Birkhead,[1]
concerning the implementation of the National Service Framework core data
set for myocardial infarction, and would like to comment on several of the
points raised.
Birkhead emphasises a need for confidence in data collection and its
subsequent analysis. The EMMACE study identified 2153 consecutive cases
of AMI admitted to 20 adjacent hospitals during a 3 month period (1st
September to 30th November 1995) from biochemistry, coding and CCU
records, with 1,391 fulfilling World Health Organisation (WHO) criteria.
Of those flagged by coding, 33.5% did not fulfill the WHO criteria. In
fact 21.3% of individuals fulfilling these criteria were not coded as AMI.
In addition, we found a 2.5-fold increase in 30-day mortality between
those patients labelled as AMI on the basis of the physician’s final
diagnosis (39.4%) and those fulfilling strict criteria (15.8%).
This leads
us to pose two questions: (1) What definition of AMI should be used when
collecting the NSF data set? (2) In view of numbers of AMI patients not
admitted to coronary care units, how should such patients be identified?
A further point highlighted in this editorial, refers to the need to
take case-mix variables and age into account, in order to allow meaningful
comparisons of data. The majority of case-mix-adjusted models suffer from
(a) over-complexity (b) excluding significant proportions of patients with
higher risk profiles (c) using administrative data without clinical
detail sor (d) being applicable to selected subgroups only.
The NSF core
data set aims to collect around 50 treatment and investigation parameters
with the only presenting clinical data being age and sex.[2] Using a risk
model based on three clearly objective admission clinical characteristics;
age, heart rate and systolic blood pressure, we propose that a greater
correction for case-mix can be applied to audit data collected as part of
the NSF requirements. This model has been validated both internally within
our UK population and externally using the MITI AMI population, and
appears to accurately reflect patient outcome in both UK and USA practice,
achieving an area under the receiver operating characheristic (ROC) curve
of 0.78. Interestingly, gender adds nothing either to this model or to one
based on age alone.
We feel that the incorporation of this routine, non-manipulable
clinical information to the NSF core data set would allow a simple
adjustment for case-mix that most clinicians would be happy to accept.
The subsequent analyses, therefore, are more likely be viewed as a fair
reflection of the quality of care offered to their AMI patients.
Institute for Cardiovascular Research
The BHF Heart Research Centre at Leeds
Leeds General Infirmary
Great George Street
Leeds LS1 3EX, UK
Email: medral@leeds.ac.uk
(1) Birkhead JS. Responding to the requirements of the National
Service Framework for coronary disease: a core data set for myocardial
infarction. Heart 2000;84:116-117.
(2) Birkhead JS, Norris RM, Quinn T, et al, on behalf of the Coronary heart
Disease National Service framework Steering group. Acute myocardial
infarction: a core data set for monitoring standards of care. London:
Royal College of Physicians, December 1999.
The case described by Blommaert et al makes
interesting reading. Inadvertent left ventricular (LV) pacing following
attempted placement of a lead in the right ventricle (RV) is a known
occurrence. It is vital to recognise the problem to institute appropriate therapeutic
measures, realising however that often right bundle branch block (RBBB)
pattern results from normal RV pacing. It would however be in...
The case described by Blommaert et al makes
interesting reading. Inadvertent left ventricular (LV) pacing following
attempted placement of a lead in the right ventricle (RV) is a known
occurrence. It is vital to recognise the problem to institute appropriate therapeutic
measures, realising however that often right bundle branch block (RBBB)
pattern results from normal RV pacing. It would however be interesting to
point out the following points, if only for a purely academic exercise.
First, it is obviously important in such cases to study the 12 lead ECG
as it is known that even normal RV pacing can lead to right bundle branch
block (RBBB) patterns on the ECG, which can often be corrected by
placement of leads V1 and V2 1 interspace lower than normal. The FRONTAL QRS AXIS and the PRECORDIAL transition are important determinators of the
site of the lead.[1]
Thus, a frontal QRS axis from 0 to -90 and a precordial QRS tansition
by lead V3 points to a lead which is still sited in the RV septum/apex
pacing with a positive predictive accuracy of 95%, often necessitating no
further intervention. If however, the QRS tansition is after V4, it is
more likely to be in the posterior LV or a coronary vein.
A frontal QRS axis from -90 to -180 localises the lead to the LV in
practically all cases. A precordial transition by V3 results from a pacing
site in the distal anterior LV or the LV apex. A precordial transition
after V3 results from pacing lead in the inferior LV.
A frontal QRS axis from 90 to 180 results from pacing in the
anterior/anterolateral LV.
Second, a 12 lead ECG and a frontal and lateral x ray (or fluoroscopic
position of the lead post implant) are vital for early detection of
malpositioned leads. A posterior loop of the lead in the LAO view or a
more superior course in the AP view (as it courses across the RA-LA-LV)
are important pointers.
Third, it would be interesting to know about the ECG of the reported
patient immediately following the implant, as it would have probably
helped make the diagnosis right away (RBBB pattern, frontal QRS axis to
the right, and precordial transition after V4 localising it to be in the
Aditya Kapoor
(1) Coman JA, Trohman RG. Incidence and electrocardiographic
localisation of safe right bundle branch block configurations during
permanent ventricular pacing. Am J Cardiol 1995;76:781-4.
We have read the interesting comments of Dr Kapoor concerning left
ventricular pacing and discriminating ECG patterns.
In our short case report,[1] we could not, by lack of space, include
the different ECG tracings nor discuss the complete differential
diagnosis. The subject remains nevertheless extremely important with
respect to the precise diagnosis and the therapeutic measures we have...
We have read the interesting comments of Dr Kapoor concerning left
ventricular pacing and discriminating ECG patterns.
In our short case report,[1] we could not, by lack of space, include
the different ECG tracings nor discuss the complete differential
diagnosis. The subject remains nevertheless extremely important with
respect to the precise diagnosis and the therapeutic measures we have to
We agree totally with most of the comments of Dr Kapoor and we take the
opportunity to discuss more in detail some aspects of this particular
Of course, we all know that a certain percentage of right ventricle
leads may exhibit a right bundle branch bloc pattern when located at the
septal part of the right ventricle. To differentiate it from a left
ventricar site, the orientation of the QRS in the frontal plane or its
axis, is a major determinant. If we analyse carefully the tracings in the
peripheral leads we may observe the following important aspects: in lead
I, the QRS has a QS pattern, indicating without any doubt a left lateral
location of the pacing origin. A QS morphology in lead I is
characteristic of such a location and can never be observed in a right
septal pacing, except maybe in the high right ventricular outflow tract.
In this latter situation however, the QRS has a left bundle branch block
We may thus state that the sole presence of a QS pattern in lead I is
specific of left ventricular pacing. The correlation of this is the
presence of a positive R wave in lead III which can only be seen when
pacing starts at the left lateral or the anterior wall.
These different criteria in relation with pacing sites have been
learned from pacemaping during ablation procedures for ventricular
tachycardias and more recently from left ventricular pacing in congestive
heart failure. They are logical and correlate well with the observations
of Coman et al.[2]
Mapping have learned us also that the transition in the precordial
leads discriminates more between an apical or a basal position of the
lead. A late transition (>V4), as in our case, indicates a more basal
position. This has been confirmed during the surgical intervention. On
the contrary, an earlier transition is characteristic of a more apical
With respect to the X ray imaging, in the LAO view, a left
ventricular lead is not seen more posteriorly but more laterally, pointing
to the location of the left ventricle and distinguishing it from a right
ventricular position. It is in the lateral view or in the RAO view that
we may see a posterior course of a left ventricular lead.
Finally we may confirm that the ECG recordings just after the implant
had exactly the same pattern as the one we reported. Unfortunately, at
that time, the diagnosis has not been made.
L De Roy
D Blommaert
J Mucumbitsi
University of Louvain
Cliniques Universitaires - UCL - Mont-Godinne Belgium
(1) Blommaert D, Mucumbitsi J, De Roy L. Ventricular pacing and right
bundle branch block morphology: diagnosis and management. Heart
(2) Coman JA, Trohman RG. Incidence and electrocardiographic
localisation of safe right bundle branch block configuration during
permanent ventricular pacing. Am J Cardiol 1995;76:781-4.
Dr Gavaliatsis points out the severe limitations that we still face
in the exact diagnosis of monogenic diseases causing ventricular
arrhythmias, like Brugada syndrome and the long QT syndrome. In Brugada
syndrome it seems that we have a pharmacologic challenge (iv flecainide,
ajmaline or procainamide) to unmask the phenotype. Unfortunately, that is
not so in the long QT syndrome. But even with the ph...
Dr Gavaliatsis points out the severe limitations that we still face
in the exact diagnosis of monogenic diseases causing ventricular
arrhythmias, like Brugada syndrome and the long QT syndrome. In Brugada
syndrome it seems that we have a pharmacologic challenge (iv flecainide,
ajmaline or procainamide) to unmask the phenotype. Unfortunately, that is
not so in the long QT syndrome. But even with the pharmacologic challenge
I agree with Dr Gavaliatsis that there may exist a problem of sensitivity
and specificity in the diagnosis that will only be uncovered by exact
knowledge of the genotype. But we need more than genetic analysis to make
the correct correlations.
It starts with
1. The correct clinical
diagnosis (something no that easy sometimes, particularly in the long QT
syndrome), it continues by 2. Showing a change in the genetic code - for
instance in the gene SCN5A encoding for the human cardiac sodium channel -
and ends by 3. Expressing the mutation to show its functional
Of course, the diagnostic chain is only closed at the time
that the functional consequences of the mutation turn out to make sound
pathophysiologic sense, that is, they correlate with the clinical
diagnosis and the known consequences of the disease. Mutation "hunters"
seem to forget more and more frequently step 3. They report results that
rather confuse instead of clarifying the many scientific questions that
still remain. Publication of "mutations" without functional analysis to
exclude among others, polymorphisms and non-significant changes in DNA
sequences should be avoided by all serious scientific journals.
The points by Dr Gavaliatsis are well taken but a simple answer will
not become available instantaneously. Meanwhile it remains the duty of the
physician to protect patients with a Brugada phenotype against sudden
death. It is a matter of medical phylosophy: When we do not know the
patient should not become the victim of our ignorance. Implanting a
defibrillator too much is not nice, but seeing a young individual succumb
suddenly to ventricular fibrillation because a defibrillator was not
implanted is much worse.
In the July 2000 issue of Heart, in an Editorial by Brugada,[1]
about a paper by Viskin et al,[2] it is stated:
"The most important conclusion of the study by Viskin and colleagues is,
however, that patients with syncope of unknown origin should be
pharmacologically tested for Brugada syndrome, a suggestion made by the
authors on the basis of their results."
In the July 2000 issue of Heart, in an Editorial by Brugada,[1]
about a paper by Viskin et al,[2] it is stated:
"The most important conclusion of the study by Viskin and colleagues is,
however, that patients with syncope of unknown origin should be
pharmacologically tested for Brugada syndrome, a suggestion made by the
authors on the basis of their results."
However, in the conclusions of the Abstract by Viskin et al, it is stated:
"A definite Brugada sign is a specific marker for arrhythmic risk. However,
less than obvious ECG abnormalities have little diagnostic value, as a
'questionable' Brugada sign was observed in 1% of healthy controls. In
this series of concecutive patients with idiopathic ventricular
fibrillation, most had normal ECGs".
Most importanly, in the Results, it is stated: "Six patients received
intravenous ajmaline or procainamide and 26 patients received oral
treatment with class 1A drugs (mainly quinidine but also disopyramide)
following the diagnosis of idiopathic ventricular fibrillation. Class 1A
drugs did not unmask a Brugada sign in any patient".
Furthermore, in the Discussion, it is stated:
"It should be noted,
however, that the specificity of ST elevation following class 1 drug
administration is not at all clear. This point cannot be overemphasised in
view of anecdotal reports suggesting that ECG features indistinguishable
from a Brugada sign may apper in patients without documented or suspected
ventricular arrhythmias following administration of class 1C drugs".
After all these, and not very convincingly, in an Addendum, based on Brugada et al data,[3] it is stated:
"This new evidence underscores the need for systematic performance of a 'flecainide challenge' in
patients with idiopathic ventricular fibrillation and apparently normal
ECG, and in patients with questionable symptoms and a questionable
Brugada sign".[2]
I also "question the validity of pharmacological testing for the
Brugada syndrome".[4]
I also "agree that genetics will provide a definitive diagnosis".[4]
(1) Brugada P. Brugada syndrome: an electrocardiographic diagnosis
not to be missed. Heart 2000;84:1-2.
(2) Viskin S, Fish R, Eldar M, et al. Prevalence of the Brugada sign
in idiopathic ventricular fibrillation and healthy controls. Heart 2000;84:31-6.
(3) Brugada R, Brugada J, Antzelevitch C, et al. Sodium channel
blockers identify risk for sudden death in patients with ST-segment
elevation and right bundle branch block but structurally normal hearts.
Circulation 2000;101:510-15.
(4) Wilde AAM, Priori SG. Brugada syndrome and sudden death. [Letter
and Reply]. Eur Heart J 2000;21:1483-4.
The August 2000 issue of Heart contained our article
entitled "Incidence, recurrence, and case fatality rates for myocardial
infarction in southwestern France, 1985 to 1993".[1] This work was the
last version of the presentation and the interpretation of data carefully
collected for 10 years.
The Editorial in the same issue written[2] by Simon Capewell and John McMurray
concerning our article is...
The August 2000 issue of Heart contained our article
entitled "Incidence, recurrence, and case fatality rates for myocardial
infarction in southwestern France, 1985 to 1993".[1] This work was the
last version of the presentation and the interpretation of data carefully
collected for 10 years.
The Editorial in the same issue written[2] by Simon Capewell and John McMurray
concerning our article is a brilliant and exhaustive synthesis of the
problem. However, when reading the Editorial, it seems that data from the
Toulouse MONICA team are not consistent with data already published by
this group[3] or by the MONICA Programme.[4]
The first inconsistency we should eliminate concerns the
establishment of exceptionally low coronary mortality rates in France.
Since 1994,[5] the MONICA Project has shown that, even after correcting
routine mortality statistics, coronary heart disease mortality rates in
France were among the lowest. Hence, we do not understand the interest of
publications[6] based on data other than standardised data such as MONICA
The second inconsistency concerns potential contradictions between
works already published by the Toulouse MONICA team.[3] After reading
both articles, it appears that data do not concern identical cases of
acute coronary heart disease. Indeed, according to the princeps work of
1994[5] in our intermediate work published in 1995[3] we used the MONICA
definition 2 whereas in the most recent work[1] and in the final report
of the international MONICA project[4] definition 1 had been chosen.
Definition 1 is more representative of epidemiological reality whereas
definition 2 is more representative of in-hospital cardiological reality.
After a 10-year long discussion within the MONICA cooperation, definition
1 was selected since it was the widest and the most exhaustive but
probably including acute coronary disease events that were not myocardial
The third inconsistency concerns the difference between results
published by the International MONICA Project[4] and the results
presented in Heart.[1] Both works being based on the same data, it seems
coherent to find identical results. These final results are reported in
our article in Heart.[1] After reading the Lancet's proofs,[4] it
was obvious that a line inversion had occurred between Strasbourg and
Toulouse data and this error was immediately corrected.
The interest and the relevance of the publication of our results in
Heart was to show that exceptions to the message conveyed by the Lancet
do exist. We agree with the fact that in most centres, the decrease in
coronary heart disease mortality is due to a decrease in the number of
acute coronary heart disease events. In some centres, such as Toulouse,
the decrease in case fatality rates is accountable for the decrease of
coronary heart disease mortality. When we used the term "acute management"
to explain the decrease in coronary heart disease mortality in Toulouse,
the authors of the Editorial should have understood that it was an
extensive definition of myocardial infarction therapy during its acute
phase including pre-hospital management, the disease severity and a very
effective treatment provided in some highly performing regional hospitals.
The originality of our message is to assess a fundamental epidemiological
rule: variability in relation to person, place and time.
Jean Ferrières MD, MSc, FESC
on behalf of the Toulouse MONICA team
(1) Marques-Vidal P, Ruidavets JB, Cambou JP, et al. Impact of incidence,
recurrence and case-fatality rates of myocardial infarction in coronary
heart disease mortality in Southwestern France, 1985-1993. Heart
(2) Capewell S, McMurray J. Coronary heart disease trends in France and
elsewhere [editorial]. Heart 2000;84:121-2.
(3) Ferrières J, Cambou JP, Ruidavets JB, et al. Trends in acute myocardial
infarction prognosis and treatment in Southwestern France between 1985 and
1990 (The MONICA Project-Toulouse). Am J Cardiol
(4) Tunstall-Pedoe H, Kuulasmaa K, Mähönen M, et al, for the WHO MONICA
(monitoring trends and determinants in cardiovascular disease) Project.
Contribution of trends in survival and coronary-event rates to changes in
coronary heart disease mortality: 10 year results from 37 WHO MONICA
Projects populations. Lancet 1999;353:1547-57.
(5) Tunstall-Pedoe H, Kuulasmaa K, Amouyel P, et al. Myocardial infarction
and coronary deaths in the World Health Organization MONICA Project.
Registration procedures, event rates, and case-fatality rates in 38
populations from 21 countries in four continents. Circulation 1994;90:583-612.
(6) Law M, Wald N. Why heart disease mortality is low in France: the time
lag explanation. BMJ 1999;318:1471-6.
Dear Editor:
I read with interest Kübler’s review[1] and Willenheimer and colleagues’ viewpoint[2] on a similar theme about the application of drug trial results in clinical practice, an area that remains controversial.
Florey’s penicillin trial in the 1940s only involved 8 mice. The mice were inoculated with streptococci and only the four that were treated survived. Such simplistic demonstration of a positive...
The article by Viskin et al[1] adds some confusion to the definition of "the typical" electrocardiographic pattern associated with the syndrome of sudden death and right bundle branch delay described by Nava and Martini in 1988-1989,[2, 3] by Aihara in 1990, and by Brugada in 1992. As clearly documented,[3] three (and not one as discussed by Viskin et al) of six patients with aborted sudden death showed differe...
Nava and coworkers[1] and Martini and coworkers[2] described a single patient with the diagnois of right ventricular dysplasia who, retrospectively analyzed by the same authors, may have suffered from the syndrome of right bundle branch block, ST segment elevation and sudden death, now known as Brugada disease.
As they have no genetic analysis on that patient (to exclude among others Naxos syndrome) t...
We thank Lawrance et al for their letter that raises several important points about the implementation of the national audit of myocardial infarction.[1] Until the numerator and denominator can be confidently stated there is little point in producing case fatality data either nationally or locally. The data that they quote in their letter strongly support this view. There is an urgent need to address thi...
Dear Editor:
We read with interest the editorial by Birkhead,[1] concerning the implementation of the National Service Framework core data set for myocardial infarction, and would like to comment on several of the points raised.
Birkhead emphasises a need for confidence in data collection and its subsequent analysis. The EMMACE study identified 2153 consecutive cases of AMI admitted to 20 adjacent hospita...
Dear Editor
The case described by Blommaert et al makes interesting reading. Inadvertent left ventricular (LV) pacing following attempted placement of a lead in the right ventricle (RV) is a known occurrence. It is vital to recognise the problem to institute appropriate therapeutic measures, realising however that often right bundle branch block (RBBB) pattern results from normal RV pacing. It would however be in...
Dear Editor
We have read the interesting comments of Dr Kapoor concerning left ventricular pacing and discriminating ECG patterns.
In our short case report,[1] we could not, by lack of space, include the different ECG tracings nor discuss the complete differential diagnosis. The subject remains nevertheless extremely important with respect to the precise diagnosis and the therapeutic measures we have...
Dear Editor:
Dr Gavaliatsis points out the severe limitations that we still face in the exact diagnosis of monogenic diseases causing ventricular arrhythmias, like Brugada syndrome and the long QT syndrome. In Brugada syndrome it seems that we have a pharmacologic challenge (iv flecainide, ajmaline or procainamide) to unmask the phenotype. Unfortunately, that is not so in the long QT syndrome. But even with the ph...
Dear Editor:
In the July 2000 issue of Heart, in an Editorial by Brugada,[1] about a paper by Viskin et al,[2] it is stated:
"The most important conclusion of the study by Viskin and colleagues is, however, that patients with syncope of unknown origin should be pharmacologically tested for Brugada syndrome, a suggestion made by the authors on the basis of their results."
However, in th...
The August 2000 issue of Heart contained our article entitled "Incidence, recurrence, and case fatality rates for myocardial infarction in southwestern France, 1985 to 1993".[1] This work was the last version of the presentation and the interpretation of data carefully collected for 10 years.
The Editorial in the same issue written[2] by Simon Capewell and John McMurray concerning our article is...