Table 1

In-hospital mortality of patients in the Nottingham heart attack register.

NHAR diagnosis% Died in hospital (95% CI and number in group)Discharged aliveTotal in group
Proportion dying in hospital dependent on NHAR category.
χ2 (on categories in bold) = 141, dF = 2, p<0.0001.
CI, confidence interval; NHAR, Nottingham heart attack register; MI, myocardial infarction
Confirmed MI 22 (19 to 25) 564723
    Definite MI17 (14 to 20)440531
    Probable MI35 ( 29 to 42)124192
Possible MI 7 (5 to 8) 16591776
Ischaemic heart disease 4 (2 to7) 230240