Table 2

Results of the meta-analysis of longitudinal observations in 11 groups of athletes: data from the inactive period and change from the inactive to the active period

nInactiveActive–inactivep Value
For key to abbreviations see table 1; V̇o2, oxygen uptake.
Reproduced from Fagard,2 with permission.
HR (beats/min)1156.8 (1.55)−3.3 (1.23)<0.05
LVIDd (mm)1153.6 (1.01)+1.1 (0.45)<0.05
IVSTd (mm)910.5 (0.26)+0.7 (0.23)<0.05
PWTd (mm)1110.2 (0.32)+0.5 (0.23)<0.05
LVM (g)11214 (12.6)+25.7 (6.4)<0.01
h/R110.384 (0.0064)+0.017 (0.0078) = 0.05
o2 peak (ml/min/kg)660.9 (2.89+4.8 (0.49)<0.001