Table 1

 Patient characteristics according to glycaemic and lipid control

Optimal group (n = 45)Suboptimal group (n = 126)Poorly controlled group (n = 109)p Value
*Non-insulin requiring which includes patients treated with diet and oral hypoglycaemic drugs but no insulin.
†Insulin requiring which includes patients treated with insulin, regardless of other treatment.
‡To convert values of LDL-C to mg/dl, divide by 0.026.
Age (years)63 (7)62 (9)62 (10)0.67
Male39 (87%)104 (82.5%)74 (68%)0.008
Unstable angina7 (16%)23 (18%)26 (24%)0.63
Diabetes treatment0.33
    Non-insulin requiring*36 (80%)102 (81%)80 (73%)
    Insulin requiring†9 (20%)24 (19%)29 (27%)
Statin treatment35 (78%)83 (66%)66 (61%)0.14
HbA1c (%)6.1 (0.6)7.2 (1.4)8.5 (1.3)<0.001
LDL-C (mmol/l)‡2.05 (0.42)2.63 (0.80)3.56 (0.68)<0.001
Left ventricular ejection fraction (%)58 (12)57 (11)57 (9)0.75
Previous myocardial infarction25 (56%)65 (52%)50 (46%)0.58
Previous bypass surgery4 (9%)20 (16%)10 (9%)0.34
Systemic hypertension33 (73%)84 (67%)81 (74%)0.31
Smoker21 (47%)69 (55%)40 (37%)0.025
Nephropathy18 (40%)54 (43%)54 (50%)0.51
Distribution of coronary artery disease
    Single vessel19 (42%)35 (28%)34 (31%)0.090
    Double vessel19 (42%)51 (40.5%)36 (33%)
    Triple vessel7 (16%)40 (31.5%)39 (36%)
Number of treated vessels/patient1.3 (0.5)1.3 (0.5)1.3 (0.5)0.96
Number of treated lesions/patient1.6 (0.8)1.5 (0.7)1.6 (0.9)0.49
Diameter stenosis (%)
    Pre-83 (13)82 (16)79 (15)0.22
    Post-6 (10)5 (9)8 (14)0.12
Reference vessel diameter (mm)
    Pre-2.91 (0.58)2.88 (0.60)2.95 (0.59)0.37
    Post-3.04 (0.61)3.05 (0.61)3.08 (0.64)0.71
Lesion length (mm)11 (5)11 (5)11 (4)0.75
Complete revascularisation22 (49%)59 (47%)55 (50.5%)0.57
Type of PCI0.93
    Balloon only4 (9%)11 (9%)11 (10%)
    Bare metal stent41 (91%)115 (91%)98 (90%)
Elective glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors17 (38%)46 (37%)44 (41%)0.79