Table 2

 Comparison of patients with positive v negative intravascular lead cultures

Number of patientsPositive (n = 73)Negative (n = 19)p Value
Values are mean (SD) or n.
Ext, exteriorisation; F, female; IExt, impending exteriorisation; M, male; WBC, white blood cells.
Age (years)70.0 (1.7)70.4 (3.4)NS
Sex (F/M)13/605/17NS
Immunological deficiency166NS
Number of procedures2.9 (0.2)2.3 (0.2)0.002
Number of leads2.1 (0.1)1.5 (0.1)0.001
Time from last procedure to presentation (months)27.8 (2.6)36.2 (8.8)NS
History of previous local complications284NS
Local findings (inflammation, IExt, Ext, infection)5/10/22/361/3/5/10NS
Clinical pulmonary manifestations61NS
Pulmonary embolism1500.03
Increased WBC count120NS
Increased C reactive protein335NS
Positive blood culture50NS
Isolated local pathological findings3112NS