Table 2

 A proposed terminology and mapping for acute coronary syndromes

Proposed BCS terminologyMaps toICD-10 codeICD-10 term equivalentMaps toRead codeRead code term equivalent
ACS, acute coronary syndrome; AMI, acute myocardial infarction; BCS, British Cardiac Society; MI, myocardial infarction, NOS, not otherwise specified.
ACS unspecifiedI200Unstable anginaG3111Unstable angina
ACS with unstable angina (troponin −ve)I200TNUnstable angina: troponin −veG3111Unstable angina
ACS with myocyte necrosis (troponin +ve)I200TPUnstable angina: troponin +veG31y1Microinfarction of heart
ACS aborted MII200AB No equivalent ICD10 term G3110MI aborted
ACS with clinical MI Maps to I21 Parent ICD10 code covering AMI Maps to G30 Parent read code covering AMI
Acute ST elevation MI of anterior wallI210Acute transmural MI of anterior wallG301zAnterior MI NOS
Acute transmural MI of anterior wallG300Acute anterolateral infarction
Acute transmural MI of anterior wallG301Other specified anterior MI
Acute transmural MI of anterior wallG3010Acute anteroapical infarction
Acute transmural MI of anterior wallG3011Acute anteroseptal infarction
Acute transmural MI of anterior wallG380Postoperative transmural MI of anterior wall
Acute ST elevation MI of inferior wallI211Acute transmural MI of inferior wallG308Inferior MI NOS
Acute transmural MI of inferior wallG302Acute inferolateral infarction
Acute transmural MI of inferior wallG303Acute inferoposterior infarction
Acute transmural MI of inferior wallG30yzOther acute MI NOS
Acute transmural MI of inferior wallG381Postoperative transmural MI of inferior wall
Acute ST elevation MI of other sitesI212Acute transmural MI of other sitesG304Posterior MI NOS
Acute transmural MI of other sitesG305Lateral MI NOS
Acute transmural MI of other sitesG306True posterior MI
Acute transmural MI of other sitesG30y2Acute septal infarction
Acute transmural MI of other sitesG382Postoperative transmural MI of other sites
Acute ST elevation MI of unspecified siteI213Acute transmural MI of unspecified siteG30X0AcuteST segment elevation MI
Acute transmural MI of unspecified siteGyu34[X]Acute transmural MI of unspecified site
Acute non-ST elevation MII214Acute subendocardial MIG3071Acute non-ST segment elevation MI
I214Acute subendocardial MIG307Acute subendocardial infarction
I214Acute subendocardial MIG3070Acute non-Q wave infarction
I214Acute subendocardial MIG30y1Acute papillary muscle infarction
I214Acute subendocardial MIG384Postoperative subendocardial MI
Acute MI unspecifiedI219Acute MI unspecifiedG30yOther acute MI
I219Acute MI unspecifiedG30zAcute MI NOS