Table 1

 Main findings and outcomes in 19 patients with platypnoea-orthodeoxia

PatientAortic root (mm)Thoracic abnormalitiesOther findingsOutcome
*Patients 1–12 had dilated aortic roots.
ASA, atrial septal aneurysm; CN, Chiari’s network; EV, eustachian valve; PFO, patent foramen ovale.
1*47NoneNoneDeath from stroke
2*49NoneNoneTranscatheter closure
3*51NoneEVTranscatheter closure
4*45NoneEVSurgical closure
5*43NoneNoneTreatment declined
6*58NoneNoneSurgical closure + Bentall
7*57NoneNoneSurgical closure + Bentall
8*43NoneEVTranscatheter closure
9*44Post-tuberculosis apical sequelaeNoneSurgical closure
10*47Left phrenic elevation, kyphoscoliosisASATranscatheter closure
11*45Right lung post-radiotherapy lesions for cancerNoneTranscatheter closure
12*43Right phrenic palsyASATranscatheter closure
1338Right haemothorax + left pneumothoraxASA/EVRecovery
1433Right pneumonectomy for cancerASASurgical closure
1537Right superior lobectomy/atelectasia of two lobesASARecovery
1638Right pneumonectomy for cancerCNTranscatheter closure
1735Post-sarcoidosis sequelaeASA/CNTranscatheter closure
1829None“Low” PFOTranscatheter closure
1939NoneASA/EVSurgical closure