Table 4

 Potential sources of electromagnetic interference of pacemaker systems

Environmental interactionPotential interactionAdvice
Electronic antitheft surveillance devicesPacemaker inhibition, undersensing or oversensingPatient advised to move through devices quickly
Cellular telephonesTemporary asynchronous pacing or inhibition (only if device placed directly over generator)Use of contralateral ear to device or use “hands free” device
High voltage generators or arc weldingInhibition of pacingWork environment assessed to quantify any possible interference
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)Inhibition or asynchronous pacing, irreversible device malfunction, or lead displacementAvoid
Electrocautery devices and diathermyInhibition of pacing and irreversible device malfunction. Increased pacing thresholdUse of bipolar diathermy, programming of device to fixed rate pacing before surgery if surgical field in proximity to pulse generator. Full assessment of device postoperatively
Therapeutic irradiationProblems very rare but theoretically could cause irreversible malfunctionShielding of device if close to irradiation field
Diagnostic radiologyNo interaction
DefibrillationPotential irreversible device malfunctionMaintain defibrillation paddles as far from pulse generator as possible. Consider anteroposterior paddle positions