Table 1

 Costs of cardiovascular disease in the UK in 2004

Type of resource usedUnit of measurementUnits of resources consumedAverage unit cost (£)Total cost (million £s)Source (reference number)
*Future earnings discounted at 3.5%.
Healthcare cost
Primary careDoctor consultations at clinic1254245428.00351.194, 15, 17
Doctor consultations at home249354665.00162.084, 15, 17
Nurse consultations at clinic77338789.0069.604, 15, 17
Nurse consultations at home9099316.001.464, 15, 17
Accident and emergencyAttendances58100282.0047.6412, 18
Hospital outpatient careAttendances1807652111.88202.2316
Hospital inpatient careInpatient bed days16097020617.099 933.2611, 16
Hospital day caseDay cases208721717.76149.8112, 18
Cardiac rehabilitationRehabilitation programmes completed413679627.57259.616, 8
Community health/social services1793.495
Healthcare cost adjusted for private carePrivate funded part of total health expenditure1643.0011
Healthcare subtotal17 386.19
Non-healthcare cost
Informal careCaring by economically active carers (hours)32068844812.754088.7817, 20, 21, 22, 23
Caring by economically inactive carers (hours)2014440204.85977.0017, 20, 21, 22, 23
MortalityWorking years lost (men)19542330 1313385.28*1, 17
Working years lost (women)4897521 730559.97*1, 17
MorbidityCertified incapacity (days)69346572100.987002.6217, 25
Morbidity (friction adjusted)2716.53
Non-healthcare subtotal16013.65
    Friction adjusted11727.56
Total economic burden33399.84
    Friction adjusted29113.76