Table 2

 Costs of coronary heart disease in the UK in 2004

Type of resource usedUnit of measurementUnits of resources consumedAverage unit cost (£)Total cost (million £s)Source (reference number)
*Future earnings discounted at 3.5%.
Healthcare cost
Primary careDoctor consultations at clinic217387628.0060.874, 15, 17
Doctor consultations at home50505265.0032.834, 15, 17
Nurse consultations at clinic504569.000.454, 15, 17
Nurse consultations at home3013616.000.484, 15, 17
Accident and emergencyAttendances20830282.0017.0812, 18
Hospital outpatient careAttendances501902111.8856.159, 10, 16
Hospital inpatient careInpatient bed days3931313617.092425.9611, 16
Hospital day caseDay cases70120412.1428.9012, 18
DrugsPrescriptions4978250910.72533.836, 14
Cardiac rehabilitationRehabilitation programmes completed150218627.5794.276, 8
Community health/social services132.595
Healthcare cost adjusted for private carePrivate funded part of total health expenditure399.4011
Healthcare subtotal3859.00
Non-healthcare cost
Informal careCaring by economically active carers (hours)7950463612.751013.6817, 20, 21, 22, 23
Caring by economically inactive carers (hours)499417234.85242.2217, 20, 21, 22, 23
MortalityWorking years lost (men)12027830 1312139.66*1, 17
Working years lost (women)1571021 730192.16*1, 17
MorbidityCertified incapacity (days)26076510100.982633.2117, 25
Morbidity (friction adjusted)1021.50
Non-health subtotal6220.93
    Friction adjusted4609.22
Total economic burden10079.93
    Friction adjusted8468.23