Table 5 Quality-of-life scores after 12 month follow-up for patients with CHD
Adjusted mean score*p Value‡
SF-36 Domain
Physical functioning50.7945.460.0220
Role physical40.1636.130.1889
Bodily pain58.6055.590.3941
General health49.2246.660.0141
Social functioning70.2762.510.0002
Role emotional56.7551.110.2341
Mental health71.6367.140.0012
Seattle Angina Questionnaire†
Exertional capacity49.3844.130.0014
Angina stability60.6658.290.2513
Angina frequency76.9774.100.0452
Treatment satisfaction87.2484.790.3705
Quality of life66.3862.430.0571
  • Higher scores indicate better quality of life for both questionnaires.

  • *Adjusted for cluster effect and baseline scores, and where appropriate for age and gender. †Angina patients only. ‡p Values based on robust estimates of standard errors.