Table 1

 Demographic and baseline, haemodynamic and exercise data

ASD, atrial septal defect; PDA, patent ductus arteriosus; TGA, transposition of the great arteries; VSD, ventricular septal defect; WHO, World Health Organization.
Age (years)22 (3)
Follow-up period (years)2.4 (0.06)
    VSD with or without PDA6
    Aortopulmonary window3
    Complete atrioventricular canal, Down’s syndrome1
    Double-outlet right ventricle/VSD2
    Double-inlet left ventricle/TGA2
    Congenitally corrected TGA/VSD1
    TGA/VSD after repair1
    VSD/PDA after repair1
WHO class
Pulse oximetry (%)87 (2)
Mean pulmonary pressure (mm Hg)86 (3)
Pulmonary flow index (1/min/m2)4.1 (0.6)
Systemic flow index (1/min/m2)2.6 (0.2)
Pulmonary vascular resistance index (dyne·s/cm5·m2)1946 (290)
Systemic vascular resistance index (dyne·s/cm5·m2)2775 (156)
Peak oxygen consumption (ml/kg/min)17.3 (1.4)
6-min walking distance (m)417 (25)