Abstract 045

1.5 Tesla3 Tesla
Diagnostic performance of 1.5 and 3 T perfusion imaging for the accurate detection of significant single vessel disease
    Sensitivity68% (13/19)90% (17/19)
    Specificity71% (30/42)88% (37/42)
    Positive predictive value52% (13/25)77% (17/22)
    Negative predictive value83% (30/36)95% (37/39)
    Diagnostic accuracy71% (43/61)89% (54/61)
    Area under ROC curve0.70 (0.08) (0.57–0.81)0.89 (0.05) (0.78–0.95)
Diagnostic performance of 1.5 and 3 T perfusion imaging for the accurate detection of significant multivessel disease
    1.5 Tesla3 Tesla
    Sensitivity71% (15/21)95% (20/21)
    Specificity93% (37/40)95% (38/40)
    Positive predictive value83% (15/18)91% (20/22)
    Negative predictive value86% (37/43)97% (38/39)
    Diagnostic accuracy85% (52/61)95% (58/61)
    Area under ROC curve0.82 (0.06) (0.70–0.91)0.95 (0.03) (0.86–0.99)