Table 1

Patient characteristics (n = 471)

Age (years), mean (SD)56 (10)
Female: male227: 244 (0.48:0.52)
Risk profile
    Nicotine abuse138 (0.29)
    Hypertension233 (0.49)
    Diabetes68 (0.14)
    Dyslipidaemia280 (0.59)
    Family history of CVD214 (0.45)
    History of vascular disease31 (0.07)
Chest pain
    Typical angina146 (0.31)
    Atypical angina251 (0.53)
    Non-anginal chest pain74 (0.16)
Pre-test probability (%), mean (SD)652 (28)
Heart rate (min−1), mean (SD)68 (13)
Catheter angiography98 (0.21)
    >50% Stenosis, any vessel57/98 (0.58)
    Single-vessel disease26/98 (0.27)
    Two-vessel disease19/98 (0.19)
    Three-vessel disease12/98 (0.12)
    >70% Stenosis, any vessel29/98 (0.30)
Percutaneous or surgical management59 (0.13)
    Percutaneous intervention46 (0.10)
    Bypass graft surgery13 (0.03)
  • Results are shown as number (proportion of the total) unless stated otherwise.

  • CVD, cardiovascular disease.