Table 1 Demographic characteristics, medical history and presenting clinical features of the study population
Risk factorOverall populationIn-hospital death30-day death1-year death
Number of patients100 6868681877014 611
Age, years (mean (SD))68.9 (13.79)79.2 (9.97)78.7 (10.11)79.0 (9.87)
Female36 198 (36%)4069 (47%)4037 (46%)6630 (45%)
White76 111 (76%)6855 (79%)6887 (79%)11 503 (79%)
Asian3234 (3%)142 (2%)138 (2%)227 (2%)
Medical history
Myocardial infarction22 638 (22%)2030 (23%)2087 (24%)4141 (28%)
Hyperlipidaemia24 801 (25%)1319 (15%)1421 (16%)2549 (17%)
Hypertension42 528 (42%)3679 (42%)3718 (42%)6305 (43%)
Angina32 029 (32%)2777 (32%)2835 (32%)5438 (37%)
Chronic renal failure3109 (3%)590 (7%)575 (7%)1064 (7%)
Cerebrovascular disease7482 (7%)1299 (15%)1241 (14%)2063 (14%)
Peripheral vascular disease4319 (4%)636 (7%)612 (7%)1054 (7%)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease12 986 (13%)1365 (16%)1345 (15%)2456 (17%)
Heart failure5889 (6%)1116 (13%)1100 (13%)2028 (14%)
Diabetes17 125 (17%)1828 (21%)1818 (21%)3238 (22%)
Smoking25 164 (25%)1254 (14%)1311 (15%)2114 (14%)
Cardiac enzymes
Elevated CK or troponin70 378 (70%)6490 (75%)6427 (73%)10834 (74%)
ECG changes
ST-segment elevation33 723 (33%)3168 (36%)3230 (37%)4326 (30%)
LBBB5068 (5%)754 (9%)753 (9%)1299 (9%)
ST-segment depression13 023 (13%)1270 (15%)1284 (15%)2335 (16%)
T-wave changes only13 020 (13%)582 (7%)572 (7%)1222 (8%)
Arrhythmia or conduction abnormality13 248 (13%)1355 (16%)1305 (15%)2310 (16%)
Normal8870 (9%)206 (2%)233 (3%)502 (3%)
Aspirin status
Already taking aspirin before admission22 363 (22%)2147 (25%)2188 (25%)4024 (28%)
Aspirin given out of hospital32 830 (33%)1845 (21%)2021 (23%)3219 (22%)
Aspirin given on arrival to hospital29 547 (29%)2293 (26%)2225 (25%)3767 (26%)
  • CK, creatinine kinase; LBBB, left bundle branch block.